الاثنين، 13 يناير 2014

Papaya fruit, beautiful girls

Papaya fruit is one of the fruits that contain important nutrients, but usefulness doesn't stop when ingested, but we can use them for different and multiple masks can be made from this fruit, namely facial masks can be applied to the skin of papaya Masque mixes selected for you the following

 :First: facial mask


The fruit of papaya


Akomsi fruit of papaya in half long, discarding core and seeds, gently massage your face with the neck of the fruit, for five minutes, especially around the nose and mouth and eyes and let the effects of fruit on your face 20 minutes then rinse it off with warm water

 :Second: papaya pale skin mask


 the fruit of papaya

three tablespoons of honey

tablespoons rose water

tbsp milk powder

 :How to prepare Catcher

 bring the fruit of papaya and remove seeds from her heart and cut into small pieces

put the pieces into a blender and add the remaining ingredients, then process them well until a dough

stretch the catcher on your skin and leave for 20 minutes and then wash the skin with lukewarm water

Repeat the catcher at least twice a week to get rid of discolored skin

Third: the fruit of papaya to get rid of skin wrinkles


The fruit of papaya

Tablespoon honey


 Peel the fruit of papaya and remove seeds and pulp, place in a blender with a little water and mix for 30 minutes

 Add one teaspoon honey, and stir well with a papaya

 stretch the catcher on your skin and leave for 15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water
Papaya fruit is one of the fruits that contain important nutrients, but usefulness doesn't stop when ingested, but we can use them for different and multiple masks can be made from this fruit, namely facial masks can be applied to the skin of papaya Masque mixes selected for you the following

 :First: facial mask


The fruit of papaya


Akomsi fruit of papaya in half long, discarding core and seeds, gently massage your face with the neck of the fruit, for five minutes, especially around the nose and mouth and eyes and let the effects of fruit on your face 20 minutes then rinse it off with warm water

 :Second: papaya pale skin mask


 the fruit of papaya

three tablespoons of honey

tablespoons rose water

tbsp milk powder

 :How to prepare Catcher

 bring the fruit of papaya and remove seeds from her heart and cut into small pieces

put the pieces into a blender and add the remaining ingredients, then process them well until a dough

stretch the catcher on your skin and leave for 20 minutes and then wash the skin with lukewarm water

Repeat the catcher at least twice a week to get rid of discolored skin

Third: the fruit of papaya to get rid of skin wrinkles


The fruit of papaya

Tablespoon honey


 Peel the fruit of papaya and remove seeds and pulp, place in a blender with a little water and mix for 30 minutes

 Add one teaspoon honey, and stir well with a papaya

 stretch the catcher on your skin and leave for 15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water

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